Friday, February 15, 2013

Welcome Bresnan Brian Flanagan!

I haven't posted in a while, mostly because we haven't done too much out of our regular routine because we were waiting for a baby!  I was dilated for almost 4 weeks before going into labor.  And due to how fast Bryn came into the world, we didn't do too much for a month!

Here are a few pictures we took of my belly before welcoming our second child!
 Bryn loved being able to "sit" on my belly!
Kiss Kiss

So, after only being 3 days late, I went into labor on Friday evening and welcomed a baby boy at 11:07 pm.  We were surprised with Bresnan Brian Flanagan!  Unfortunately due to him being sunny-side up and needing to turn, having his cord wrapped around his neck (the tightest my doctor had seen), and delivering so fast, his face was badly bruised.  So, if you see a purple face in the pictures, don't be too alarmed!

 My baby has hair!

Father and Son
 Bresnan and Bryn meet the next morning
 Mumma and her kids
The Flanagan Family

 Coming home
Bresnan wore the same outfit home that his mom 
and sister wore home from the hospital.

 Welcome home!

 I like my hands...
 and my feet!
 Bryn says, "Take one with me too, Mumma!"

 What are you thinking?
Happy Valentines Day!

 Most every day I can walk into Bryn's bedroom and this is the scene I usually see...Bryn looking at books, either spread about or in perfect piles.  Bryn isn't allowed to take her binks out of her bed, so when this happens it is usually quiet because she has it in her mouth!

 Sleeping Bresnan
Good Morning, Buddy!
 Waking up is hard to do!


  1. He is absolutely beautiful. I just love that picture of Bryn holding Bresnan and looking up at Brian just so proud! We will talk soon....and Drew corrected me. Hazel didn't have her days and nights mixed up for 6 weeks like I said on my message. Just kind of felt like that with her colic. We will talk soon! :)

  2. He's a doll! Congrats! Can't wait to meet him this summer! =)

  3. Congrats! Such a beautiful family!
